Are pencil leads poisonous?
Source: | Author:BEST | Published time: 2020-03-24 | 356 Views | Share:
Everyone knows that lead metal is poisonous, so will pencils be equally poisonous?
Everyone knows that lead metal is poisonous, so will pencils be equally poisonous?

In fact, the main components of the pencil core are graphite and clay. Graphite is a scaly solid with metallic luster. Among them, there are carbon-carbon chemical bonds. The layers are Van der Waals forces. The carbon-carbon chemical bonds are very stable. It is very difficult to destroy, which is why diamond and graphite are both made of carbon, but the physical properties and prices are very different. There is nothing in the human body that can break the carbon-carbon chemical bond, so it is safe to say that the pencil lead is safe. of.